In San Lorenzo, you have it!, The new digital guide on the commerce of your municipality
The new ensanlorenzolotienes.es is born, a renewed commercial directory that offers businesses an online sales channel.
The City Council of San Lorenzo de El Escorial has launched a new project to promote local commerce in the municipality: the commercial platform ensanlorenzolotienes.es , the renewed business directory that groups all the commerce and services of the municipality according to categories, activity and areas and which, in addition, incorporates a Marketplace through which establishments that wish to do so can carry out online sales, with a common payment gateway and product delivery service.
A great showcase
ensanlorenzolotienes.es is a great showcase that provides greater visibility to shops, restaurants and local establishments, not only in the face of neighbors, but also visitors and tourists, who will have on their mobile all the commercial offer of the municipality, promotions and shopping proposals.
Navigation on the web by the user is comfortable and simple: you can search for each business in the menu or through a georeferenced map to know the exact location of each one. All businesses have their own file with a description of the establishment, images of the premises and its products, their social networks and website and useful information, as well as their location.
Establishments and businesses interested in being part of the digital directory may register completely free of charge through the website itself, by filling in a form and providing their data.
Two types of online sales
In addition, ensanlorenzolotienes.es also facilitates online sales for establishments in two ways: businesses that have an online sales channel can link it to their directory file, and those that do not have their own e-commerce platform can register in the Marketplace, which offers a secure payment gateway and the delivery of products to the customer, which will create a greater flow of sales for the business in question and will strengthen the economy of the municipality.
An initiative that is renewed to improve
In San Lorenzo you have it was born as a campaign to promote local commerce in the summer of 2020 to boost local commerce in the face of the difficult situation caused by the pandemic, with the promotion through posters, gift of shopping bags and stickers and that had its continuity in the Christmas campaign, with the drawing of 10 purchase tickets worth 150 euros each and a shop window contest; as well as in the Valentine's Day and Book Day campaigns that were launched this year.
Myriam Contreras, Councilor for Commerce : "The objective of ensanlorenzolotienes.es, in addition to giving visibility to the municipality's commerce, is to promote its digitization in the time that we live and in which it is essential to evolve towards new forms of sale, merging traditional physical commerce with the online world ”.